Monday, August 15, 2011

The Seven Benefits of Travel

I keep hearing this from different people. There are supposedly seven benefits for travelling. Yet, whenever I ask about what they might be, it is always the same reply. People would hesitate and think a while before either admitting that they don’t know, they are unsure, or simply give me between 3-5 different ones. They never give me the same ones, though. And, they never give me all seven. So, since I’m travelling myself, and for the first time, on my own, I’ve decided to write about the seven benefits for travelling; one for each post. I’m not going to write about the “real” seven benefits, if such a thing even exists. Rather, I’m going to write about what I believe are the benefits in travel from my own experience. I want to talk about my experiences, my discoveries, and how they changed and affected me. They might not be what you have expected to be the benefits for travel, but they are definitely mine. And, I’m going to share that with you as they happen and as soon as the lesson is learned.

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